Your Email will arrive in the next Five Minutes in your Inbox
- An Email will arrive in your inbox in less than 5 Minutes with Course Fees/ Prices
- Please White List the following email
- In most cases emails will arrive in 5 minutes. Sometimes Gmail will place the email in promotions or junk, so please check there.
- If the Email does not arrive , please email directly on
- Or Phone toll free on 1800131166 (office hours)
The Enrolment Process takes Place in this order.
- You will receive the Course Fees Email shortly
- Please email back your interest in the 5 Month Film School and that you are keen to find out more,
- We will then phone you at your preferred time for a Short 10 minute Interview
- Once you are successful, we will send you the Place Offer and Enrolment Email.
- You can then choose to enrol or not.
- You decide to proceed, you pay the deposit and you will receive the Welcome Email
- The interview and the enrolment process only takes one business day to process
- Please email back now.
Requirements to Enrol: Enthusiasm to learn Filmmaking and Make a Film ( All Part of the 5 Month Film School)