Your Email will arrive in the next Five Minutes in your Inbox

  • An Email will arrive in your inbox in less than 5 Minutes with Course Fees/ Prices
  • Please White List the following email
  • In most cases emails will arrive in 5 minutes. Sometimes Gmail will place the email in promotions or junk, so please check there. 
  • If the Email does not arrive , please email directly on
  • Or Phone  toll free on 1800131166 (office hours)

The Enrolment Process takes Place in this order. 

  1. You will receive the Course Fees Email shortly 
  2. Please email back your interest in the 5 Month Film School and that you are keen to find out more, 
  3. We will then phone you at your preferred time for a Short  10  minute Interview 
  4. Once you are successful, we will send you the Place Offer and Enrolment Email. 
  5. You can then choose to enrol or not. 
  6. You decide to proceed,  you pay the deposit and you will receive the Welcome Email 
  7. The interview and the enrolment process only takes one business day to process 
  8. Please email back now. 
Requirements to Enrol:   Enthusiasm to learn Filmmaking and Make a Film  ( All Part of the 5 Month Film School)


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