Advanced Film Course
Advanced Film Course Starts Soon Interview Essential
Enrolments Open – 12 Places Total
- Bring Your Film Career to the Next Level
- Make Your Own Film Now.
- Learn to make your Film by actually making your own personal Film on the Course.
- Sydney – Starts January 2021
- Pricing/ Fees, Course Dates,& Content Please go here
Previous Graduates Films

4 MONTH Filmmaking Course Price Request
You will receive the following by email immediately.
- Sydney 4 Month Filmmaking Course Fees / Prices
- Film Course Content, Session by Session
- Times and Dates for Each Session
- How to Enrol Information and as soon as you are ready.
Regent Street Chippendale. (Near Central Train Station)
Phone Inquires 1800131166
10am – 7pm Monday- Friday
The Film Instructors - Taught by Filmmakers for Future Film Directors and Producers

Colm O'Murchu
Colm founded Australian Film Base in 1997 and has since taught emerging filmmakers to make professional films. Colm has guided and instructed over the years on 175 short films made. His new film Tabernacle 101 has just been released theatrically in the USA and ia available on Amazon Prime, Google Play and Apple TV. With a wealth of film teaching and film making experience Colm O’Murchu is one of the very best film instructors. Main Focus: Casting & Directing

Greg Woodland
Greg Woodland is a fanatical Filmmaker. His communication skills and teaching skills are of the highest caliber.As writer/director Greg’s films and documentaries have screened nationally and internationally at over 60 film festivals & many TV channels. Greg has lectured in Scriptwriting at Macquarie University, UTS, NIDA, and AFTRS. His script editing credits include feature films ‘Moon Rock for Monday’, ‘Don’t Tell’, ‘Needle’, ‘Cold Turkey’, ‘The Bet’, ‘Broken’ Teaches Screenwriting and Producing

John Hresc
John has worked in the film, television and music industry for the last 25 years,and is a member of the Australian Screen Sound Guild. He worked for Channel 9 for ten years sound posting many of the TV shows and promos you see on TV. During his work in Television he also collaborated with a number of short and feature filmmakers, as a sound and dialogue editor, sound designer, sound supervisor and sound mixer. This has culminated in over 20 national and international award winning short and feature films to date. Main Focus Sound Postproduction

Jack Kelly
Jack is a highly experienced cinematographer. He has worked on countless short films helping filmmakers make exceptional films. He has a detailed knowledge of the technical aspect of shooting movies. He takes the technical classes in Sydney. Main Focus Cinematography.

Learn Film Directing now
You can keep your day job while totally changing your life on Saturdays and Thursday Nights on the 4 Month Film Course

Build your Network
Make new exciting friends and forge creative alliances

Rocket your Career
Become a Filmmaker now working in a job you love.
MONTH ONE - Screenplay & CastinG
Learn to Write a Screenplay professionally and Cast a film with real Actors. You write a 10 minute screenplay for the film production. You experience a real casting with real actors. From the casting, you will pick actors for the Film Shoot – Tuesday Nights
MONTH TWO - Technical Training
Learn how to use Professional Camera Lights and Sound Equipment. We use the Black Magic Ursa Camera and Sennheiser Sound equipment. Learn how to use the equipment and how to shoot a film scene.
Photo: Jack Kelly rigging a camera to a car Tuesday Nights
MONTH 3 - Ten minute movie. Shoot on Real locations with actors
Learn Film Directing and all on a Real Film Shoot. Learn Preproduction and Production Management. You will be on Location x 3 Days. This is a real shoot, shot on various locations. You get to do various roles including Directing and Camera Operations. You work with real actors and experience a real film shoot.
Tuesday Nights & Saturdays
MONTH 4 Postproduction Career
Learn to edit your film on Adobe Premiere Pro and Colour on DaVinci. You actually edit the film and source music. Create your Career Plan and find out how to get work in the film industry Tuesday Nights
Please go to this page for Prices, Times, Dates, Course Content and Enrolment Details
4 Month Filmmaking Course Graduation December 2019
Tabernacle 101 - Trailer for our New Feature Film

- Learn Filmmaking
- Make a Movie
- Create a new Career
4 MONTH Filmmaking Course Price Request
You will receive the following by email immediately.
- Sydney 4 Month Filmmaking Course Fees / Prices
- Film Course Content, Session by Session
- Times and Dates for Each Session
- How to Enrol Information and as soon as you are ready.
Regent Street Chippendale. (Near Central Train Station)
Phone Inquires 1800131166
10am – 7pm Monday- Friday